Posted by: biogal36 | December 20, 2008

Driver Education

Okay,  so it’s high time my blog lived up to it’s name “Pet Peeves…”  My biggest pet peeve, the one that bugs me more than any other, is bad drivers.  Why is it that totally normal and polite people act like complete and utter idiots in the comfort and semi-privacy of their automobiles?

Think about it, you would never think about cutting a line of people, or at least most people wouldn’t, but yet drivers will drive to the end of the merge lane and cut the line.  Why is it that people need to do that?  Don’t you realize that you’re slowing things down.  I hate merge lanes.  I hate when people drive to the end of a merge lane and then cut into traffic.  I find myself yelling at the drivers in front of me that allow them in.

Today, as my husband and I were driving in the snow, I thought of another driving pet peeve: blocking the box.  Now anyone who has driven through Manhattan know what blocking the box is, but for those less travelled individuals it means blocking an intersection.  Perhaps if the other cars didn’t block the intersection you wouldn’t feel the need to try and get through at the last second when there isn’t any room.  Don’t block the intersection!  If there isn’t room for you on the other side then stay on your side until there is room.  It may cost you a few minutes five at the most and if you’re running late you should have left earlier.

The moral of this rant is that people need to learn how to drive and to practice common courtesy while driving.  And how about not having the bass so loud that my car shakes as you drive by.

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