Posted by: biogal36 | November 5, 2011

Is it that time already?

Can I tell you how much I despise daylight savings time?  I am one of those people that doesn’t like having to adjust to the change in time.  I like my sleep, love it in fact, losing an hour of it for no good reason bothers me.  And really what is the point of daylight savings time?  Our society no longer has a need for changing the clocks.  If you want more time outside during the day get up an hour earlier and enjoy some daylight before heading to work.  In my house we don’t operate on daylight hours, my daughter gets up 10 hours or so after going to sleep.  We tried making her room darker to help her sleep later but it didn’t work she wakes up when she’s not tired any more.  As for me I can sleep when the sun is shining or there is a full moon.  And it is not very funny walking into work an hour early because you forgot to set the clocks, been there done that.

Daylight savings time is a convenience for schools and stores.  Schools want to hold there sporting events after school without having to light up fields.  Stores want you to be able to shop after work.  Me I want to be able to watch 4th of July fireworks before 10 pm.  Stores can adjust the times they are open during the summer just like they do before Christmas.  As for schools they should be adjusting their schedules any way.  According to research teenagers have a biological clock that is more alert later in the day while younger grade school children are alert earlier.  Just ask a mom of a teenager, their teen can stay up all night and sleep past noon, while the mom of a toddler is up when the sun comes out and is sleeping at 9pm.  Changing schools starting times will probably not happen anytime soon, but they should.

Back to my pet peeve, this year I will probably be up at the same time as always, but my clock will have a different time.  I will not gain an hour, I am a mom of a toddler and a newborn, they are like farmers they use the sun as their guide.

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